Sunday, August 22

I have been very bussy working on business images and not having much time to be creative. I am also returning to college this Wednesday and taking the Medical and general lab tech. assistant program. Getting things in order, spending time with my girls and photography doesn't leave me with much time. I am happy with things though. :O)
I did however create these two cool image.

Sunday, May 9

Hello All

It has been awhile since I have posted, but I have been working on a few different projects.
I do have some new creations to post & more in this series to come.
This is my guitar and I created some interesting images.
Rock hard !!!

Wednesday, March 31

Again some artistic views through my eyes.

Friday, March 26

The pier on that same sunny beach afternoon. The pier was piled very high with snow & sand. Standing on top of that pile made the view quite spectacular.

Wednesday, March 24

These are some artistic views through my eyes on that same beautiful sunny beach afternoon.

Monday, March 22

These are beautiful images taken at Grand Bend Beach one bright clear sunny day. The view in person was abolutly stunning. I enjoyed an afternoon of peace & serinity.

Saturday, March 20

These Beautiful images were taken in Harrison Hot Springs,BC

Tuesday, March 2

These are som eof my 2009 artistic images. I like to try to see something from a view that people would ordinarily not see.

Monday, March 1

Hello All!!!

I have created this blog to share some of my artistic creations. I love to photograph various things and I love to get close. Black & white photography is my special feature and creating stunning art. I will post as often as I can so please check back often for new creations. I do sell all of my images so if you are intested in any of them please contact me for sizing & pricing. The images I sell are printed on professional art paper to last at least 70 years. I can also order sized frames even custom. I will post a sample of frame colors that I can order. Another great wall item is canvas and my canvases come ready to hang and uv protection spray to last a lifetime. These come in many sizes as well.
Please note that all of my web images are low resolution and do not make a good download. All of my inages are subject to copyright and downloading will be prohibited.
All of my images that I print are in a professional photography high resloution from a professional lab.
Please enjoy viewing my images.
